National cave home – Karlukovo (Karlukovo Training Center) is located in the village of Kaleto, on the right bank of the Iskar River, at 187 m. The building has a capacity of 60 seats, there is a tourist dining room, a buffet, a study room. It is used by both tourists and tourists. Training and seminars to support scientific research on speleology. Of particular interest is the rich collection, collected by Peter Tranteev, one of the founders of the cave work in Bulgaria. It is reached by Lukovit – 10 km of asphalt road and by railway. N. Karlukovo Station. The region is extremely interesting and rich in karst formations – over 150 caves and precipices, the most prominent are the Prohodna, The Temnata hole, the Dog’s, etc. Karlukovo monastery “Assumption of Virgin Mary” is located in the village of Karlukovo, and near it are the rock churches “St. Marina” and “St. Gregory. “