The church “St. St. Constantine and Elena” – Village of Momchilovtsi

In the Rhodope village of Momchilovtsi, 16 km north from Smolyan, is located the St. St. Constantine and Helena Church – one of the 100 national tourist sites, which has over 180 years of history. The church was built in 1834 and was illuminated 2 years later when it also received its name. The temple’s celebration is on May 21 – the day of St. Constantine and Elena. There was a church school at the church that was discovered by Hieromonk Gregory, which later grew into a secular school. The three-nave temple is an architectural monument of culture. Sterju Teodoriev masterfully painted the temple, who is the only one in the region bearing the name of the Holy Equality Apostles Constantine and Elena. The importance of the temple not only to Momchilovtsi but also to the surrounding villages is the fact that the village has a celebration on May 21 – St. Constantine and Elena. At that time a gathering is organized with many cultural events.

Where to stay near Momchilovtsi

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