Lovech Region
The Lovech region is situated along the northern slopes of central Stara Planina and the central Prebalkan to the Devetashko Plateau and is the beginning of the Danube Plain. Vit, Osam, Vidima and many of their tributaries flow into the region. There are 8 nature reserves and protected areas, as well as many karst springs, caves and more than 600 cultural monuments. Numerous mineral springs assist the development of balneological and ecotourism.
The region in numbers
141 000 inhabitants
4 from the 100 national tourist sites
4128 sq. km. total area
Accommodation in Lovech Region
Sites in the Lovech area
Devetashka Cave
The Devetashka cave is located 18 kilometers northeast of Lovech and 2 kilometers of the village of Devetaki. The cave is also known as Maarata or Oknata for its seven different-sized holes in the ceiling, through which sunlight penetrates and illuminates the central hall and part of its two fields.