Shumen Region

Shumen region is located in the central part of Northeastern Bulgaria and spreads over the Shumen Plateau, parts of Ludogorie, Provadia Plateau and eastern Stara Planina. There is a well-developed industry and agriculture in the area, including wine-making.
The history of the region began as early as the Neolithic. In the region of Shumen are found settlements, objects and artifacts from the time of the Romans and Thracians. Later the region became part of Bulgaria in 681 and the first Bulgarian state had its first capitals there – Pliska and Veliki Preslav. Other popular tourist sites are Shumen and Madara, the latter included in the UNESCO World Heritage List.

The region in numbers

180 000 inhabitants

4 from the 100 national tourist sites

3379 sq. km. total area

Accommodation in Shumen Region

Sites in the Shumen area