House museum “Zahari Stoyanov” – Ruse

The house museum “Zahari Stoyanov” was opened on 3 March 1978, celebrating the 100th anniversary of the Liberation of Bulgaria from Ottoman rule. It is located in Ruse, near the Danube river. The exhibition features personal belongings of the great Bulgarian revolutionary, his literary works and artifacts from the Bulgarian Revival period. After the death of Zahari Stoyanov, his wife – Anastasia Obretenova purchased the house. Ruse felt like a second birthplace for the revolutionary – he settled down in the town before the Liberation, trying to escape from being a shephard, continuing after that with revolutionary activities. In 1878 he returned again in Ruse and a few years later married Anastasia Obretenova.

Accommodation in Ruse

Additional Information

8: 30-12: 00 and 13: 00-17: 30.
Day off – Sunday
During the winter Saturday and Sunday – days off.

Adults: 3 BGN
Students and pensioners: 1 BGN