National Anthropological Museum Sofia

The National Anthropological Museum houses many reconstructed images of people who lived on our land at various historical periods. The individual stages of the restoration work are displayed in a special showcase at the beginning of the exhibition. There is a national ossuary to the museum where all anthropological materials found during archaeological excavations are collected. This database is used by scientists and researchers and provides knowledge about the people who lived in the Bulgarian lands from ancient to modern times.
The exposition at the Anthropological Museum is arranged in chronological order – Prehistory, Antiquity, Middle Ages and National Revival. Several facial reconstructions from skeletal remains discovered during excavations represent the evolution of the facial features and their gradual gracilisation (an evolutionary process in which the facial bones gradually change and the facial features become finer). The museum also features several reconstructed graves with the bodies laid out flexed (in fetal position) and extended (Christian burial, with arms crossed on chest).

Accommodation in Sofia

Additional Information

Open: Monday – Friday 09.00 am to 5.00 pm.
Closed: Saturday and Sunday
Adults – BGN 4,00, Discounts for groups of students.