Syeva Dupka consists of 5 galleries, the largest of which is The Srutishte (Demolished) Gallery. The gallery nearest the cave mouth is known as Kupena (Haysatck), since it resembles a haystack. Visitors then enter Strutishte, which looks like it has just been struck by a powerful earthquake, with stone blocks strewn on its floor. The galleries after that are called Harmana (Threshing Floor), Belya Zamak (White Palace), and Kosmos (Cosmos). Syeva Dupka is exceptionally beautiful, displaying all forms found in caves: stalactites, stalagmites, karst lakes, rock curtains, and so forth. The cave’s lavishly decorated walls and ceiling give visitors the impression that they have entered a cathedral. The Harmana Gallery has such excellent acoustic properties that concerts are held here that often feature large choirs and famous performers. The cave has also been used a setting in films. Many of the forms in the cave present recognizable shapes.
Where to stay near Syeva Dupka cave
Additional Information
Winter: 9.00 am – 5.00 pm
from 6 to 16 – BGN 2
Use of camera for photographs – BGN 2
use of video camera – BGN 5